Rolling Forward a Checklist

You can roll forward a client checklist to create a new checklist for the client for a new period end. When you roll forward, you can select the content version and title version to use in the new checklist. You can also specify whether the responses from the originating checklist are included in the new checklist. If you choose to roll forward the responses, comments in the original checklist are also retained.

Note: Only notes that you have specifically set to roll forward will be included in the new checklist. Notes with a status of Open or Cleared do not roll forward.

To roll forward a checklist:

  1. If needed, click to open the All Clients page.
  2. Locate the client in the list.
  3. Tip: You can use the Search box at the top of the All Clients page to find a specific client.

  4. Click in the Actions column for the client.
  5. Select Roll Forward.
  6. Enter or edit the Closedclient information.
  7. Click Next.
  8. For each of the component checklists that make up the client checklist, select the following roll forward options:
    • Roll Forward Setting. If there is an updated version of the checklist, you can select whether to roll forward the current version of the checklist or to replace it with the updated version.
    • Title Version. If you selected to replace the title with the updated version and there are multiple versions, you can select to roll forward to the version that is directly after the version you are currently using. You cannot skip a version.
    • Responses. Specify whether the answers and comments that were selected in the current version of the checklist should be rolled forward or if all answers should be reset.
  9. Click Roll Forward.