Adding a Tailoring Checklist

For most industries, the U.S. GAAP checklist must be added before you can add industry-specific checklists. Once you have answered the tailoring questions, additional disclosure checklists will be added dynamically based on your responses.

Note: If you are accessing AutoCheck through CCH Axcess™ Knowledge Coach, begin with step 3 below.

To add a tailoring checklist, do the following:

  1. If needed, add the client to the All Clients page.
  2. On the All Clients page, click the link for the client.

    Tip: You can use the Search box at the top of the All Clients page to find a specific client.

  3. Click Add Disclosure Checklists on the toolbar on the right side of the page.
  4. Select the tax year for the checklist in the first box.
  5. Select the checklists you need in the second box. You can select multiple checklists as needed.
  6. Click Add.

The checklist is now visible in the navigation pane and on the Overview view. You can click the title name to open and begin answering the tailoring questions.